Tuesday, April 28, 2009

OK so this is completely random(i guess thats the point of a blog :P) but ive always had an interest in gas masks and WW2 i dont know why but ive always just thought gas masks were cool. There is something about them that is so terrifying yet so intriguing at the same time. I guess its the imagery that they make you think of. Because i would think that most people(myself included) when they think of gasmasks think of hitler, concentration camps, gask chambers, war you know that type of stuff. I think that its such a scary thought that anyone could commit those heinous acts. Because everyone thinks of hitler as an udderly odious and wicked man(which he was!) that we can't stand the thought of but yet we think about anyways. The way i think about gas masks is kind of how you think of a horror movie, you like to watch the horror movie because it scares you, but you only like it because its not happening to you. Or how we wath drama movies, we watch it because it makes us feel sad and gives us an emotional connection to the people in the story, but were glad were not the people in the movie. Anyways thats all.

ttfn tata for now,

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Watchmen

So, recently i got the Watchmen graphic novel. Ive never read it and ive been into graphic novels and comics for a long time so i though i better read it. I must say it is truly one of the best books(as in any book, ot just graphic novels) that i have ever read. I'm excited to watch the movie to see if it is even half as good as the book, from what I've heard it is but I'm still not sure it could be. For example how the new batman movie SUCKED, but everyone loved it just because Heath Ledger died even though it was a crappy movie.

*Update* i would also like to add that i think its hilarious that they gave Dr.Manhattan a big blue penis.

Friday, April 10, 2009

heres a video of my Tokay Gecko eating, i thought the song kind of fit the video because the song is called the bird and the worm and its a gecko and a cricket,... sorta the same thing... maybe I'm crazy, but i though it was clever...


Please everyone go to this site, they are trying to get a law passed that would forbid the keeping of pets, they are trying to take away our rights please take action now, click here

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

every one reading this needs to listen to these songs, because they rule!!!!
ok so apparently all the other songs i were gonna put on here were muted due to copyright infringement (retarded) so i guess you cant hear them :'(
Hello again, I am gonna tell you about my favorite artists...

First off..
Alex Pardee:
Alex Pardee is an amazing artist who paints phantasmagorical(yes its actually a word, google it) images exploring nightmare like worlds. Im not sure what to say about his art except the fact that i love it, it is so unique its hard to describe. Really the best way to understandit is to go look at it, you can visit his website and view his art here.

James Jean:
James Jean's art is very beautiful in a bizzarre/gracefuly awkward way. Hemainly paints "people?" and other human like figures in strange landscapes. I would highly recomend you check out his site here.

Well, thats all for now.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

pointless post

i didnt really have anything i though of before i started writing this post so I'm just gonna wing it. :D
ok so, coffee what the big deal about coffee it basically just another energy drink. I mean if I'm gonna have that much caffeine I'm gonna drink green tea(my favorite drink ever!!). It has almost the exact same amount of caffine(i dont like it bcause of the caffine, it just tastes good) without all the sugar and fat. Green tea also fights/eliminates free radicals which cause cancer so its double awesome!